One of the services ACS Roofing offers is Bee Colony Removal.  Bees get in the crevices of homes and sometime the siding has to be removed.  Contact us today to learn more about our bee colony removal and relocation service.

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Why we need to protect our Bees:

For the past few years honey bees have been dying in record numbers throughout the earth. The problem, referred to as Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD, is of great concern.

Bees play a major role in the production of food. In California alone, 130 crops depend on pollination by bees. Fruit trees, nut trees, avocados, berries, vegetables and more rely on honeybees for pollination. Without bees, many commercial crops would not be available and home gardens would be limited.

Honey bees live in hives, man-made or natural. They are cavity nesters, residing in hollow trees, buildings, sheds, walls and other cavities. The average hive consists of 50,000 bees.

A hive of bees will sometimes split off to form a second colony. They organize themselves in a swarm, usually in a tree, and send out scouts to look for a new home. Unfortunately there are no longer very many natural places for honey bees to form colonies. If they don’t find a home quickly they will die or if they find a home that interferes with humans they might be done away with.

Fortunately, there are bee keepers who can rescue swarms and give them a new home. Bee keepers go to great lengths and cost to manage and take care of the remaining bees on the earth. This is because they know that the honey bee will provide much more in return.

If you experience a swarm of bees, call a beekeeper as soon as you can for their rescue. If bees have taken residence somewhere on your property and they need to be removed, call a beekeeper not a pest company.

As a team, Mark and Amos Tate have captured and relocated many swarms to new hives where they busily do the work they are designed to. Mark personally keeps a couple of hives in his own backyard, an obvious benefit to the fruit trees, nut trees and small gardens in his neighborhood.

Learn more about these fascinating insects, our dependence on them and their decline by viewing the following documentaries: “Colony The endangered World of Bees” and “Vanishing Of the Bees”

You can learn a lot about the importance of bees and the dangers to them on our Facebook page: